Look what's trending now (clue is in the action in this gif, I don't want to use the algo keywords)
That's a dated phrase. Whoever writes the propaganda hashes doesn't have a good pulse on contemporary America.
2) To further prove the point, the search results for that phrase don't turn up any modern day usage of it as commonly used for fits of rage.
Search results for images for that phrase show eyelash tutorials and, not surprisingly, anti-Trump propaganda. What it should have shown,
3) is a barrage of images, gifs, memes, etc. of people using that phrase to describe celebrities, friends, social media text coms, etc, proving that people commonly- currently- use that phrase to describe a temper tantrum. They do not. Not in 2020.
So, who's writing this stuff?
4) What type of person would come up with a dated phrase and we are to believe that this phrase organically trends from time to time?
Based on what? A few article quotes?
These people are slipping. They don't know us very well, do they?
/end thread/
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