1) Everybody's coming around!

It's such a relief to see the supporters of a jobs guarantee uniting with the supporters of UBI in the time of #coronavirus, finally coming together on the pressing need to get unconditional cash into the hands of people. https://medium.com/basic-income/kanoodling-with-the-enemy-2c01eb113884?source=friends_link&sk=04868ee3e2aa07fd82f4a1a5e93ec131
2) 1.5 years ago I went to a Modern Monetary Theory conference as part of my ongoing attempt to build bridges with the group. I couldn't understand why there was such bitterness and division between those pushing for a #FederalJobsGuarantee and those pushing for #BasicIncome.
3) They never seemed like alternative concepts to me, but rather like complementary ones, serving different purposes and strengthening each other, if done right.
4) Also, I couldn't understand why #MMT principles wouldn't lend themselves to #UBI just as much as #FJG.

It was a challenging but fruitful visit. See how it went in the link at the top of this thread.

#sameteam #ThisIsWhyUBI
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