If you allow your mind to overthink, it will.

It will not self correct yourself.

Only you can do that.

The main part of stepping out of the cycle of over thinking is to SPOT the signs of when its taking place

That's where the journey begins
'Why does the mind over think in the first place?'

Because that's the natural nature.

Look up.

Why does the clouds in the sky move around?

'Uh.... because it is the nature?'

Yessir. But all hope isn't lost
Your mind can become your best friend or your worst enemy.

Most people treat It like their worst enemy due to a lack of knowledge.

'Which book can I read??!'

This thread will be enough

But I don't mean external knowledge.

I mean internal knowledge. Self awareness
The mind has a lot of parallels with the cellphone.

Truth be told, observe your relationship with your phone

And you'll see a lot of similarities with yourself and the mind
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