Mortality in The Netherlands has risen sharply since March 2020.
According to the latest @statistiekcbs numbers, number of deaths (per million of population) in week 14 (March 30 - April 5) is **75% higher** than the average for the period 1995-2019.
Taking into account the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths, the total number of deaths in Week 14 of 2020 is 40% higher than the average of the period 1995-2019 for the same week.
This suggests the actual number of #COVID2019NL deaths is more than double the official count.
Things look particularly bad for the old.
Mortality for people older than 80 years is up 75% from the 2010-2019 average. Taking into account confirmed #COVID19NL deaths, mortality is **still 41%** up higher than the average. (This is for Week 14, ending 5 April.)
the age group 65 to 80 is also hit harder than we thought: mortality up 57% than the 2010-2019 average and 20% up even after the confirmed covid-19 deaths are counted. This is just for the worst week so far (but the week ending 12 April is likely gonna be even worse).
Finally, the impact of #coronavirus on mortality is much harder to see in the group younger than 65. Mortality is up 16% from the 2010-2019 average, but there is no evidence for under-reporting of the death toll for this age group.
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