many of us have been stuck in a ‘one foot in and one foot out’ stance in regards to our calling. God has been revealing to me the importance of his children boldly stepping into their purpose and confidently walking in his will.
we have delayed and hindered who were are meant to become in Christ because we have prioritised our feelings and desires over God’s will. As a result of this we have walked on paths that God never intended us to walk on, leaving us subject to more and more hurt.
despite us deliberately choosing our own way over God way and becoming victim to our self-created circumstances, God is faithful and he will NEVER leave you!! Sometimes we think he has but we were the ones creating the distance....
anyway, I believe that it is not by chance you stumbled onto this thread. God is calling you to boldly step into new territory. He’s urging you to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. As you step onto new territory, more people will come to know Jesus too!!!
You can follow @thevkwayy.
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