The kiddo has been running a fever of 100-101.3 for three days now. He feels fine other than extreme exhaustion. He hasn’t left the house in a month so if he’s sick, he got it from me - and I’ve only left the house ONCE other than for my daily walks.

Because he has a compromised immune system he’s a little worried but he understands 100% why we’re not going to the doctor’s office for a COVID-19 test. 2/
There’s no way he has it, by the way. If either one of us has it, we got it from either (1) my one, masked-up trip to the grocery store and CVS drive-up window, (2) my daily walks, or (3) grocery deliveries left on our porch. 3/
None of those possibilities are plausible, thank goodness. 4/
I understand now why there’s so much “curiosity testing” going on, though. People want to know if they have it so that later they’ll feel safe about not being able to get it again. 5/
We’re not going that route, though. Let’s save the tests for essential workers and people who need to be hospitalized. If you’re healthy enough to be cared for at home, testing isn’t necessary.

/end thread
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