Thread: 1/
At some point (if this pandemic ever ends), #medlibs will need to have a serious discussion and critical look at how MeSH and other metadata did and (mostly) did not work as they should to catalog and make #COVID19 literature findable and useable. #critlib
2/ IME, all those necessary tools #medlibs rely on are not holding up to the onslaught of literature with #COVID19 and #SARSCoV2. This is exactly the time when we need them to work. I'm not sure where it's breaking down but I would assume multiple weak spots. #critlib
3/ Case in point: 

Where's "Transportation of Patients"[Majr]? That should be there, as major topic. What's "Influenza, Human"[Majr] doing there? I assume because it was a comment on previous flu article. #medlibs #critlib
4/ Here's the full text of that article:

Want to know how I found it? I Googled "patient transport COVID-19". Found it eventually in PubMed but only after I dumbed search down in new PubMed - *something I shouldn't have to do* #medlibs #critlib
5/ Why is this so important? #medlibs don't have time to go digging for that one article on the topic, the needle in the haystack. Things are too time sensitive with the pandemic. We should trust our technology (indexing is tech) to work for us, not against us. #critlib
6/ Oh, and that "comment on" paper? Published 30 October 2019, and it's not indexed in Medline - i.e., no MeSH terms attached to it in PubMed. Maybe because that journal is only selectively indexed, but still. #medlibs #critlib 
7/ What journals and articles are and are not indexed in Medline is a whole other issue for #medlibs #critlib discussion. But hopefully you get my point.
8/ That un-indexed pandemic influenza paper is... an interesting read today. It's worth your time, #medlibs. The last 2 paragraphs:
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