Starting a thread with the Blue Checkmarks (and possibly some noted Centrist Trolls and what not) chastising and mocking leftist groups that announced they would not endorse Biden.

(Not sure who made this (let me know & I'll give credit) But here are all the marvelous orgs.⤵️
I'll start off easy with Reza.

Reza is using the old "We only got 2 choices" BS. Our goal for this year was to either have Bernie OR bust...up the duopoly :) We've been crapped on enough.
I don't even know why this dude has a checkmark or where he ever came from before this election but Chris is using the tried and failed method of mocking the voter by saying "we don't need you". OK, you won't have us.
Ah, the Neera approach is too paint everyone not voting for Corporatist Joe as privileged. Yeah, that makes sense...but anyhoo...does she not think PoC go to Harvard?
Here's some dude from the Economist using right wing terminology of far-left and actually thinking the politics of MLK as being far-left is
Ummm, Jessica, it wasn't the left voting for a racist rapist. That would be the Centrists/Moderates/Liberals. Thanks for that BTW.
Then we got Mook just being a mook as always.
Tom, you are a Republican. Of course you endorse Biden.
Awww look who else has joined the ranks of the non-endorsement retweets? Wow, Biden Bros you really got your support picked out well 🤣
Yes, Hart, focusing on down ballot where they can get the truly progressive candidates that support the progressive policies is just like "supporting Trump" 🙄
Dude, you should just stick to what you know...grifting people over Russiagate.

This one was brought to me by @M4Asaveslives
Here's where Pooper, who is leader of the Democratic Coalition (formally known as the Keep America Great PAC - you know because everything in this country was perfectly fine before 2017) that houses grifters like Dworkin and Lerner, chimes in.
And another that jumps on the Duopoly cries bandwagon. Not endorsing someone is not endorsing someone else. The people who are to blame most for Trump are the Democrats themselves.
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