˗ˋˏ°• Haikyuu characters as your boyfriend °ˎˊ˗

a thread
Kuroo as your boyfriend
- Always wants to be near you
- Calls you "Honey"
- always say bad jokes and bad pick-up lines
- would love to eat breakfast with you every weekend
-wants you to watch all of his matches
- infinite compliments
Kuroo as your boyfriend (2)
- lot's of smirks
- wants everyone to know that you're his
- loves to listen to you talking abt everything
- playing video games together
Yaku as your boyfriend
- will make your lunch every day
- praises you when you achieve something
- spoils you with cheek kisses
- cannot stay mad at you
Yaku as your boyfriend (2)

- buys you scented candles
- deep conversations late at night
loves to go to small restaurants with you
- your parents love him!
Akaashi as you boyfriend
- going to the cinema together
- can't stay calm when it comes to protecting you
- laughs at your silly jokes
- very sarcastic
-lets you play with his hair
- gives you small presents
- loves to pat you on the head
- spend hours just cuddling with you
Iwaizumi as your boyfriend
- bad at compliments
- there for you 24/7
- you always wear his jumpers
- calm cuddling evenings
- buys you roses every day for no reason
- calls you things like "stupid" but never means it
-instantly notices when something's wrong with you
Hanamaki as your boyfriend
- loves to prank others with you
- surprise kiss attacks
- text and calls you a lot
- always steals your pen
- not a romantic type but tries his best
- short trips on weekends
-always makes you laugh
Hanamaki as your boyfriend (2)
- wants to arm wrestle you and is the happiest person when he wins

-you often meet the 3rd years
Kenma as your boyfriend
- shy when it comes to PDA
- likes to hold your hand
- calls you everyday
- you often have to encourage him
- loves it when you bake an apple pie for him
- deep conversation
-feels safe when he's with you
- lets you play with his video games
Ushijima as your boyfriend
- REALLY is bad at flirting
- possessive
-buys you ice cream
- loves when you fall asleep on him
- always wants to play video games with you and gets mad when he loses
- piggyback rides
- goes with you to concerts
Semi as your boyfriend
- you often watch him practice
- you love to tease him
- loves that you always cheer him on
- gives you really good advice and knows how to calm you down
- smiles every time you do something stupid
- protective af even if he doesn't show it
Matsukawa as your boyfriend
- calls you weird nicknames
- blushes when he kisses you
- his snapchat story is filled with photos of you
- very calm when alone with you
- you bring him and the whole team snacks after practice
- Mcdonald dates
-loves to tease you in front of others
bokuto as your boyfriend
- takes polaroid pictures with you
- loves to play beach volleyball with you in the summer
- you see him with his hair down
- sometimes you both end up having the same silly ideas
- carries you on his shoulders
Oikawa as your boyfriend
- Selfies
- always wants to hold you in his arms
- says "I love you" a lot
- watching alien documentaries together
- cute text messages
- couple outfits
Oikawa as your boyfriend (2)
- tells you before his games he will do his best
- loves to show you off
- buys you ice cream at the convenience store
- cries in your arms when he lost an important game
Lev as your boyfriend
- carries you on his shoulder
- always teases you when you want to kiss him
- calls you "kitten"
- pillow fights
- ruffles your hair
- self-picked bouquets
- loves that you support him at becoming the Ace
- he often buys you small key chains
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