There’s a big important bailout no one is talking about. To be fair there’s so many pigs at the trough it's hard to follow all the action. But don’t take your eyes off what’s happening with the insurance industry. It’s setting an awfully important precedent for climate change 🧵
House lawmakers thought that wasn’t cool & told insurers they should cover those losses. State regulators - where most insurance is regulated - defended the industry. So now we have a problem - what to do? Create a federal bailout program and let insurers manage it duh!
CT State Senator & co-chair of the Committee @MattLesser who released the report said "Climate Change will have a massive impact on all aspects of life...including expanding our vulnerability to emerging infectious diseases and pandemics” Indeed. Now back to our federal drama
The fact is we’re setting a powerful precedent for insurers. Now is not the time to create a bailout program w/out regulating the behavior making the covid & climate crises worse. If we fail the decision will come back to haunt us in the next inevitable financial crisis
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