10 perspectives on fitness and life...
1. Never use age as an excuse—whether you’re young or old.

If you’re young, now is the time to build the physical foundation that will last your lifetime. If you’re older, recognize that getting fit is how you reclaim youth.
2. Building muscle is top priority, especially as you age.

Muscle is injury insurance and a physiological reserve if you become ill. Yes, cardio is important to overall health, but it doesn’t confer the same lasting benefits.
3. Fitness compounds like money in the bank.

The fitter you get, the more active you'll become, the fitter you get, and on... Inches to meters to miles to marathons. A small initial investment in health will grow fast.
4. Exercise isn’t all or nothing.

Simply going from sedentary to taking a walk every day has been shown to massively improve health outcomes. Don’t think you need to start with intense, multi-hour exertions. Move more!
5. The "optimal" plan is the one you stick with.

That’s the routine you enjoy doing most. You’ll get far better results from a “sub-optimal” plan you like and put more effort into, than an “optimal” plan that you hate and give up. This is the long game.
6. Stop exercising and start training.

Training is progressively challenging yourself and getting better over time. It includes measurable goals and a lifestyle that supports your improvement. Exercise is just working up a sweat. Start training.
7. Use your diet to get lean and your gym time to get strong.

Don't waste long, repetitive hours in the gym trying to burn calories. Getting lean is mostly about diet. Build muscle in the gym.
8. Lifting weights is not dangerous.

Lifting has far lower injury rates than any team sport. No lift done with good form is inherently dangerous. NOT doing any resistance training is far more risky to your health.
9. No lift is "necessary" or "ideal."

Compound lifts (squat, deadlift, etc.) are fantastic full-body exercises that work many muscle groups at once. They're especially useful if your time is limited. But there are many paths to a strong, muscular physique.
10. You get fit for yourself AND for those who depend on you.

No one wants to be a burden to their loved ones. Put the effort in NOW so you spend your twilight years climbing mountains with your grandkids, not pushing a walker.
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