Greetings all, this time I bring you a thread on the five key characters from The project Sare. Fear not as this is spoiler free.
#WritingCommunity #readingcommunity #scifi #Fantasy #IndieApril .
I will start with Karl the jester, despite him being a jester, he is a serious fellow, Karl is the most honest and open of all, this is because he trust with ease and he has no secret agenda.
He is a passive kind of character where "things" happen to him, even though he tries to avoid any complications upon his life, complications that more often than no came from his relationship whit princess Marina, who is always happy to take him outside his comfort zone.
Now princess Marina; She firmly believes to be number one, in all fairness she does have everything physically and mentally to back up such beliefs, so leaving the spotlight does not come easy to her.
Princess Marina is very active, so when she finds in a situation where she's more in the background, she is not okay whit it, is only through Karl advice that she comes to pace with not always being in the spotlight.
Next The king of the Moon. He has only one objective to find his lost wife, he know it's impossible and yet he keeps on going, his search lead him to meet Karl and princess Marina, when the latest suggest him to tell the story of how his wife went missing.
He decides to do it, he does not think this will help him find his wife, but it might help him take out some burden, to get some catharsis, this is why when The king of the Moon tells his tale, he does not limit himself to when his wife is lost but he starts way earlier.
While princess Marina is active and thinks too high of herself, Karl the jester is passive and simple; The king of the Moon is in the middle point.
Now Princess (name not a title) she is a fairy, and the lost wife to The king of the Moon, she has a win at all cost kind of mentality, she takes the expression "sore loser." To a whole new level; but when there are not competitions involved she shows a caring heart.
Her screen time is rather low, but of high impact, as it is hard to guess how she would act, not afraid to take the first step, she does what she wants.
But when her actions hurts others she takes a step back she admits her mistakes and tries to fix'em, without a doubt a strong woman.
Finally Blossom, the villain of the story, sh is also a fairy, her goal chaos and destruction, or so she says, she is very reserved of her motivations, she might have more than enough raw power to fulfil her ambitions on her own, but rather use others to do her biding.
For this she uses fear and manipulation, and only acts directly herself when necessary or when she feels like having some fun; like Princess she does whatever she wants, but unlike her she does not stops when this causes suffering, instead she keeps going forward.
This thread is coming to its end, to know more about them, their high and lows through the story, and a lot more get your copy of The project Sare here: 
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