Another day. Another ETH project running out of funds coming to us for cash. lmfao. Y'all need to learn to take care of your own, or stop being so fucking dependent on funding, shit, maybe get a day job. The audacity of you lot truly boggles the mind.
Perhaps instead of asking us for money, you should ask us for advice. Ubiq launched jan 2017, and never received a cent of funding. Everything is done on a volunteer basis, contributors self-fund everything out of their own pockets (myself included).
The primary contributors produce income via other means (e.g day jobs/freelancing elsewhere in crypto), but our passion and free time goes to Ubiq. This is how a decentralized, community driven project should operate.
You can follow @iquidus.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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