A year ago, our house caught fire, and my life completely changed. I have been frantically pushing away the memories, but right now I'm going to take a moment to sit with them
》so for once, I shut myself away today and let myself reflect on what happened, and tried to think what I had learned from that awful day》
》unfortunately and obviously, I don't have any photos to show you just how bad it was. It went from "oh look some hot ash has come in the toilet window" to "oh my god I cannot see or breathe" in a matter of seconds.
Lesson 1: you cannot get out of a burning building too fast》
》lesson 2: you all, every one of you need a fire exit plan. My youngest thought I wanted her to get the cat. I did not, I wanted her to leave. I had to go back for her. If the fire service had been any slower we both would have suffered much worse smoke inhalation 》
》lesson 3
Nothing prepares you for the fire service. You are running for your life, soot pouring out of your face and your lungs, and they quickly kit up and walk in. They check everywhere. They know you will be confused. They are the best of us》
》lesson 4
Adrenaline is an amazing drug. It will get you out. But it doesn't last.
A house fire causes not only fire but also flood damage. I takes a very long time to recover》
》lesson 5
Fire doesn't move the way you expect. That f*cker jumps. Your whole house will be burned in places you never imagined possible 》
》lesson 6
Not one of your personal possessions matters》
》lesson 7
Many people you think love you will not be there for you. This is very painful and you will just have to learn to live with it》
》lesson 8
Some people will be truly extraordinary in their care of you》
》lesson 9
Twitter is the most extraordinary thing, full of kind and generous people. Without twitter I would have gone under emotionally and financially. This is what has caused me the most joy and the most tears. You know who you are. You are amazing 🧡
》lesson 10
The fire Service are massively underrated, they basically adopted us. Their practical and emotional help changed our lives. They do so much more than put out fires》
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