Remember that image when some pacifist asks "what would Jesus do?" as a way of convincing you not to take militant direct action against some injustice
You can't throw money changers out of a Temple non-violently
I'm not saying we should do so, I'm not even a Christian, but come on, people, get your story straight! Jesus had almost nothing to say about sex but a LOT to say about money & the people who controlled it & approved of militant direct action against them
and while I'm at it, I'm not a Gandhian either, but Gandhi made quite clear (as N. Finkelstein and others endlessly point out) that while he considered non-violent resistance vs injustice morally superior, violent resistance was morally superior to not doing anything at all
in other words, Gandhi would think all those people who refuse to take part in protests or direct action because someone might break a window on "Gandhian" grounds are completely immoral, because they're using it as an excuse not to act against injustice
some choice quotes
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