I don't relate/resonate with everything in this, or some of the words used but there's a lot of really awesome teaching here, especially for loneliness in these times, so I thought I would pull some out and share with you/reflect on it... https://www.lionsroar.com/six-kinds-of-loneliness/
'Scrambling for security has never brought anything but momentary joy. When we don’t go left or right, we feel like we are in a detox center. We’re alone, cold turkey with all the edginess that we’ve been trying to avoid by going left or right.' https://www.lionsroar.com/six-kinds-of-loneliness/
I kind of love that - as someone who gets addicted to everything, including hummus, the idea of going cold turkey on the edginess and rawness that comes from being on the spot with the feeling you feel is too much, that you want to avoid, is so relatable
When you give up the distraction, the movement, when you stop 'doing a geographical' to avoid the feeling (Folklore: I've heard you can only outrun your feelings for 7 years then they catch up with you) you feel it all the way through- it disspates, and the hummus along with it.
'We don’t hear much about how painful it is to go from being completely stuck to becoming unstuck. The process of becoming unstuck requires tremendous bravery.. We are undoing a pattern that is not just our pattern. It’s the human pattern' https://www.lionsroar.com/six-kinds-of-loneliness/
I adore this paragraph - although I would caveat - and I don't think she means don't look for logistical solutions, but rather that if everything is not resolved, not right now, it's not wrong. It's OK. It's life and it's an experience not a to-do list. https://www.lionsroar.com/six-kinds-of-loneliness/
'the willingness to be lonely without resolution when everything in us yearns for something to cheer us up. Practicing this kind of loneliness is a way of sowing seeds so that fundamental restlessness decreases..
..'We feel less solidly seduced by our Very Important Story Lines. So even if the hot loneliness is there, and for 1.6 seconds we sit with that restlessness when yesterday we couldn’t sit for one, that’s the journey of the warrior. That’s the path of bravery. '
Not sure that would totally tally with my experience as a very much non enlightened human, but I think there's something else she's said that I love, and it's that loneliness is not a problem as long as you aren't disconnected from your own inherent goodness. And that does tally.
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