Yes the recovery from coronavirus will take a long time economically. Yes there will be massive mental health fallout, yes a generation of trauma. But we haven’t talked about the recovery needed from four years of psychological warfare by Trump and Russia against U.S. citizens.
I might die during coronavirus, I might not. But I’m not gonna die people pleasing. I’m not gonna die stupid. And I’m not gonna die without screaming the truth. It’ll be on my lips when I go. And I ain’t going any time soon.
If there isn’t a change in November we never get to that recovery. It just doesn’t happen. The change they wanted takes deeper root each day. The amplification and virality we marveled at in the early days of social media were Weaponized to destroy us. And they just might.
Fox News and OAN turned my dumb mild racist boomer parents into Trump sycophants who sympathize with and identify with Klansmen and Nazis over their own kids and I am not okay with this.
One thing Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have in common is they believe Black people, people from Mexico & Central America, and Native American people are vermin to be exterminated. And the smash the state thing. It’s funny how this is working out so well for them in that regard
Those who say they won’t vote for the Democratic candidate— watch what they do, carefully. And watch who’s behind the organization. This is important.
Fox News and OAN are two of the disinformation networks that are most obviously compromised, and unfortunately our social networks are, too. By corrupt domestic activities that will merit a look by law when this jig is up— and by Russia. These networks must be crushed.
I’ll be 50 this year and I barely remember after these past four years what it was like to have a semi functioning state under the last president. We no longer have a state. I consider myself reasonably aware. What about all of the others
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