📺🔌 Like most of you, my connection is often unplugged by various forms of censorship. This thread is for cartoons, memes, art & other images I've shared in the past. Some of these have been seen by the same people over and over, while others never saw it on their feeds.
2) This art was shared by WL art force twitter account, which seemed to immediately trigger a tech blacklist/throttle for me (investigation may prove via backend data), as it affected my visibility & muted notifications on multiple social media accounts I had at the time.
3) This was a political cartoon I did a couple of years ago, maybe. I don't remember exactly when. You have to click on the image to see the whole thing. The details are hideous, lol. I must have been mad about something I saw trending that day.
4) Another political cartoon- I made this one as a tutorial for how the FISA scam worked. FBI wrote spy fiction, gave it to their commie friendlies in the media, media printed it. Then they gave the media article to the court as another source. Obviously the source was themselves
5) Previous cartoon was meant to make the whole thing look as juvenile as it was. It's infuriating that they've done all of this with the sophistication of a middle school cheat squad, to get their favorite Mean Girl as student body president, by taking down the rightful winner.
6) The sheer stupidity of it makes some people think coup can't be real. Ah but it is.
Were (are) their insipid plots as obvious and silly as they are, because they WANT us to know? Seems part of the game is the thrill of the brazen arrogant flaunting of it- the risk, the power
7) Some of their games are not fun at all.
8) They cheat at games they play.
Thank God, they often lose.
9) Some open border concerns are bigger than what the media admits.
10) The credibility of people who star in their treasonous scams is often in doubt via a simple Internet search... but of course propagandists will ignore any real journalism, as they work for the coup, not for us.
11) "I don't understand how CNN knows"
I don't remember what this was from, and it's alarming that I don't. This would have been newsworthy, if we had a real free press who reported on the truth.
12) Proves motive was exactly what we all said it was- yell "Racissssssst!" to protect politicians from criticism. It is any wonder that the old dinosaur crooked Establishment has made these 4 their shields? Games played on all sides. They are useful to the establishment, for now
13) Coordinated campaigns- obvious. We're meant to believe that random people are suddenly all hopped up on anger toward the same people/ideas at the same time, on the same day? And their trend-rigging designer even spaced the propaganda hashes evenly apart, like an advert layout
15) Disinfo is coordinated. A push to discredit videos won't make a difference in an ethical court of law, as digital evidence can't be admitted unless other evidence supports it. Also, industries can analyze video to see if/how it was altered. "Fake" videos? Not a real concern
16) The coup is proven time and time again. You'd think this would be newsworthy... well, it would be, if the media wasn't part of the coup itself.
17) I'll stop with these for now. I'm going to keep making threads like this. I have folders full of files I've saved, and few were seen by many people. They clutter unfavorable exposure with more dirt until it's hard to remember what was buried. But we won't forget!
/end thread/
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