The Seas are Highways

What if I told you the great oceans that separate our land masses, they aren't blockades...


Despite the prowess with which man has traverse the seas.

Despite great pioneers who tracked across endless horizons.

Discovering new and mysterious lands & peoples.

We moderns view the ocean as an impenetrable chasm, deluges of great monstrosities & atavistic Gods.
We believe if one sets sail without modern technology & knowledge the likelihood of dying adrift is far greater than reaching one’s destination or ever returning home.

The seas are not the barriers we hold them to be.
The real blockades in this world and the desert, the jungles, and the vast mountain ranges.

The seas, on the other hand, are routes. And if you know how to ride them, they are direct and smooth like highways
If you were to know the currents, the winds, the stars, you could go anywhere you wanted to.

The easiest way to get from one continent to another is not to walk, but to float.
In the Indian Ocean, you can travel one way half they year, and the other way the other half of the year.

To know this is to understand a key technology.
Those we call the elites, at least in academia, have taken an isolationist approach with regard to history. They presupposed that the different people separated by large bodies of water had no way of contacting one another.
This is provably false: We find traces of tobacco, cocaine and cannabis in the sarcophagus of fair-haired pharaohs of Egypt and Scythia — Materials impossible to come by without overseas connections.
We find similar architecture in supposedly separate civilisations — such as pyramids and mound graves.

Myths in the Americas of bearded and fair skinned men coming from across the water to bestow knowledge and civilisation.

We find the swastika… everywhere.
Is this indicative of a single people and culture…Atlantis, Hyperborea perhaps?

People on this side of twitter are probably well familiar with these things. We will explore these things in another thread.
For now we will focus on one man in particular. An intrepid Norseman who perfectly demonstrate that the seas are highways.

Thor Heyerdahl
“We do a tremendous error by closing our eyes to the fact that there is no distance from Africa to America, no distance from America to Polynesia, if you travel the correct way.”

From the time that man had a boat that would float, the ocean has been a conveyer for travel.
Thor was a Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer, most famous for building replicas of ancient boats with original materials and attempting great migratory journeys to show that ancient peoples could have made long sea voyages.
Kon-Tiki Expedition, 1947

Thor and a crew of five other Norseman, built a raft out of balsa tree trunks, and a mast of mangrove wood and a cabin of plaited bamboo roofed with a banana leaf thatch.
They set sail on April 28, 1947 from Callao, Peru with the mythical Kon-Tiki (the fair-skinned Sunking who ruled the Andes before the Incans) blazoned on his sail…
…and arrived in the Polynesian island of Rarola, 101 days later.
They were carried along the Humboldt Current: An eastern boundary current which travels north along the West coast of South America and meets the North Equatorial Current heading across the Pacific.
Fish congregated between the nine balsa logs in such numbers that ancient sailors could have possibly relied on fish for hydration in the absence of fresh water.

They travelled 4,340 miles across the Pacific from South America to Polynesia in a raft.
Thor believed that Polynesian origins came from Kon-Tiki and the remnants of the fair race of men who escaped complete massacre by the Incas on the shores of Lake Titicaca and headed westward out to sea.
Thor proposed that the OG South America whiteboi legends inhabited all the Polynesian island as far north as Hawaii, East as Easter Island and south as New Zealand, around 500AD.
However they had not been able to hold the islands for ever as Northwest American Indians started coming to Polynesia around 1100AD, mingling with Tiki’s people.
In fact, the oral history of the people of Easter Island is consistent with his theory that a white race with red and blonde hair had ruled the island in the past.
If you want to learn more about this, you can read his books:

American Indians in the Pacific


Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island
Of course, modern AnTHroPooLogisTs don't agree with Thor’s assertions, and that’s not surprising.

Everyone knows Anthropoologists are fake and ghey.
Ra, 1970

In 1970, Thor and an international crew built a vessel out of papyrus, and set sail across the Atlantic from Morocco and successfully landed in Barbados.
This demonstrated that mariners could perform a Trans-Atlantic voyage by sailing with the Canary Current
Thor Heyerdahl was involved with many expeditions and theories:

The search for Odin in Azerbaijan and Russia — where he proposes that the Aesir in Norse mythology were group of primordial kings who came from a country called Aser, which would have been around the Black Sea.
The Maldive Mystery — based on sun-oriented ruins in the Maldives among other things, Thor proposed that a seafaring peoples that originated in what is now Sri Lanka, colonised the Maldives.
The Canaries — Thor advanced a theory that the Canaries had been bases of ancient shipping between America and the Mediterranean by ancient sun worshipping civilisation.

This thread is hopefully supposed to instil in you is the wonder and amazement of our world.

How little officialdom really knows of our history, and how we, the virile and beautiful, can use Thor Heyerdahl’s message to better explore and discover what we forgot we knew.
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