If video games were honest.

“It’s clear you are going to disregard everything I say Miss Croft because you are going acquire Verners Diary either way and my finest bottle of Merlot whilst evading my attempt to get you arrested and leaving me for dead”
If video games were honest.

“You’re just going to reload the game until you win my gold watch, why do I even bother?”
If video games were honest

“Ma Cher, I am just the local hooker, and yet I still have more of a cult following than anyone else in the game, here’s some gossip so I can have my street corner back”.
If video games were honest.

“I have no significance for the game, but I can offer you supplies what you can’t buy anyways. On your way.”
Before ANYONE decides to get all serious and say I’m slating all the characters. AoD is one of my top TR games and always will be, I just want to try to cheer people up during quarantine and have a bit of fun. Thanks
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