Extraordinary collaboration among @Googleorg and @Apple… A privacy-preserving COVID-19 contact tracing app is very much needed for the next day! Nevertheless, some issues should be further examined: (1/4)
-Sharing to cloud the Daily Tracing Keys once self-declared as #Covid-19 positive instead of the relevant Rolling Proximity Identifiers, might create issues… especially if metadata are kept on a “curious” operator with dense scanning capabilities through a #5G network. (2/4)
-Self-declaring positive could generate a cascading effect of false positive self-isolation notifications that could jeopardize the trust to the Apple/Google contact tracing system. A solution could be a #blockchain-based verification of the testing result announced . (3/4)
-Transmitting aggregated Daily Tracing Keys of all self-declared patients during a #pandemic could act as a #DoS attack vector. No easy solution here without sending additional information to the cloud. (4/4)
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