Being fired, let go, dismissed or laid off hurts the person it is happening to.

Please stop saying it's a business decision. That may be true but it is still personal, and it hurts that person being let go some degree. You are rejecting a human being.
Just because you are laid off, let go or even fired does not mean something is wrong with you. If you have lost your job, please take a second to breathe. I know you want to do something but let yourself process the loss first. Breathe.
Because so much of our identity is tied to what we do (it shouldn't be but it is), losing a job shakes us to our core. If you lose a job, you need time to recover from that experience. Don't take too long but do allow yourself to feel a certain kind of way.
You can't do anything about losing a job but you can control how you recover from it. Hold your head up. Do some soul searching. Make a plan. And work the heck out of that plan to get you to a better place than where you were. Breathe.
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