I left anything abt Cnblue since 2014. Suddenly on 30th dec 2019 I bcame interested to listen to banmal song on spotify and so surprised JYH sang again in his solo conc. Watch his wgm stuff and marathon cnblue live concert on ytube. Wow!
I think cnblue will be my first n last, that I like abt korea things. #onetime #tryagainsmileagain #youngforever #book
Sadly cnblue bcame OT3. Idk since 1st knowing cnblue I dont like LJH. I dont know why. Just felt a bad vibe frm him. But I like his songs. Hahahaha.😂
Thanks to Jungshin chinggu (xtly he unlike his code name), minhyukkie (still lovely even in his 30s), yonghwa - ssi (cute ahjussi, get married pali).
I have my own dream. N i bet you guys have one too. One of that, go to tokyo dome right. Let's get it. Hahaha. Hopefully i also reach all my dreams! . May Allah ease everything.
To their future wife. Pls take care of these kids. They are so hardworking yet childish. 🤣🤣🤣
But they gonna love you forever. 💙💙💙
This thread may become history of how I knew CNBLUE. I dont know after this, if I still become ur fans or not. I may forget you. I dont know wht will happen. But knowing you guys are one of best things happened in my life. Annyong!
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