The similarities between the report that has been leaked with its slurs, accusations and attitudes which could be construed as bullying shown towards Corbyn supporters from the top of the party is replicated by Plymouth Labour’s *moderates* almost word for word.
You can see from many of their Twitter accounts a deep and unhealthy need to abuse people that don’t agree with them. This however is generally aimed at people within the party, not the Tories. There are a few outspoken ones some less so however, these people are protected.
They are protected by the Plymouth Labour Council Leader and the Whip. They’re defended and campaigned with/for by the local MP. These people are supported and protected by @SWLabourParty. From top to bottom factional bias has blinded them of their own hypocrisy.
As per my complain recently submitted to the Labour Party they’re power hungry, sycophants and narcissists that will do anything to cling to power and stop anyone they don’t agree with. Even to the extent that this costs the Party electorally.
There should be a truly independent enquiry into the party from top to bottom where unacceptable behaviour has been found in the party it needs to be addressed. This may require @Keir_Starmer to address the concerns of many people and communities and be honest.
If people have used the complaints process to exasperate claims this should be documented and provided to the people who fear others are to blame while not minimising any genuine concern on a case by case basis that exists.
Where complaints have not been handled correctly because there is a factional bias that has lead to people being treated better than others or action taken that doesn’t reflect the general steps taken against others for less serious issues for example retweeting The Green Party
This must be re-examined and addressed. Not as a witch hunt but in a spirit of truth and reconciliation. We have to learn and address now what have been decades long problems and this is the best route to showing the party can manage its self and then the country.
Millions of people rely on the @UKLabour Party for a better, fairer, tolerant and more equitable life. We are letting people down and that is across the party. It’s this kind of forensic focus on detail I would like to see from Keir rapidly and not whitewashed.
He has a number of challenges and this for me internally is the biggest one. Disagreement is politics, working together is politics. Losing the argument is politics. We can all avoid laying in the gutter tho that’s not politics that’s personal failure.
You can follow @DanHowells12.
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