I know this is a very controversial topic right now but the whole Carson/Fitz thing is crazy right now. I will be watching a YouTube video that has nothing to with the whole controversy and 50% of the comments will somehow make a link to start shot talking Fitz.
I know Fitz did something that everyone thinks is shitty and I'm not agreeing with it but holy fuck, people make mistakes and life goes on. It's a matter between Carson, Kate, and Fitz and I think we should keep it that way.
I've been a long time fan of both Fitz and Carson and I think that with everything going on people are making it worse by going against Carson's best wishes and attacking Fitz and Kate. Making the situation harder for everyone involved and souring and already sour relationship.
I know no one cares what some random guy with no internet points has to say but I had to add my 2 cents because seeing everyone hate one everyone else isn't helping I'm sure of it.
Just let them work it out, I'm sure no one needs your trash talk to help fix this admittedly horrible situation.
And to end this all out just in case anyone involved reads this. You can work it out and you can get through this. I don't care if you're Carson, Kate, or Fitz. Life will go on just keep fighting through it.
I know trash talk can get to even the best of us from time to time and I still care about you all, even if I don't agree with some of your actions. I won't tag anyone in this thread because I don't want to cause any unnecessary stress just needed to rant for a second.
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