My friends, please refrain yourself from saying bad things to people either by insulting or mocking them. You don't know how damaging the effect of your action is.

This is a thread, a fight for awareness
In March 26, 1993, the New York Times had posted a photograph which would change the world, a touch of destiny, one would say. Below is the picture that was posted by the publisher and I'm sure that most of you have seen this photo at least once in your lifetime
This picture is called The Vulture and The Little Girl. You might think, what does the picture have to do with this thread? Well, it was taken by a South African journalist named Kevin Carter.
He travelled to a certain village and one day, as fate would have it, he stumbled upon that little girl, starving to death. He wanted to help her, but wasn't allowed by the Sudanese soldiers. Being a photographer, this situation drove him to take this painful picture
Here's the interesting part. When the photo was published, he received tremendous backlashes and devastating responses. Some people said that he was inhumane and he should have helped this helpless little girl from being eaten by the vulture.
However, they didn't know that he had tried to help the little girl, they only saw the rough picture, they weren't in his shoes, heck they didn't know anything at all. These hatred grew stronger and stronger, to the point that in July 1994, he committed suicide
The girl however, did survive but the damage done by the society couldn't be undone and it remained there for eternity, occupying the heart of each of them with guilt, like the darkness filling the void abyss.
What can we learn from this? In all circumstances, despite how controversial they are, do not see things from only one perspective. Investigate things first, speak kindly to others and remember, words hurt way more than fists. Please, don't let history repeats itself.
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