for some reason i get asked/told way too often things like "i bet that if you had the money you'd have a big house" or "wouldn't you do the same if you had lots of money?"

and i just sit there like "do you even know me? why you saying that?"
like, if i had a shit ton of money+ first i'd make sure my parents have their own house since they aren't married, make sure my brothers are fine too

then i'd get a comfortable apartment/house with my boyfriend and that'd be it, along with like, upgrading my art supplies >
getting a better workplace, better hardware, everything so i can work comfortably

considering the kind of person i am, a big house would be awful since 99% of the time it'd be empty

plus, while i love cleaning, doing so in such big spaces would kill me lmao
i don't need fancy things or stuff like jewerly, expensive/luxury cars, fancy clothes or anything alike

what i really want is the comfortable life i haven't been able to get yet and use whatever money i have left to afford things like food/clothes/videogames later on

that's it
sounds boring but that's really it

i just want to live comfortably knowing that the people i love are fine

and honestly it's a mindset that i've had since i was a kid. no mansions, no expensive cars, no fancy clothes. just comfort and tranquility
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