When WoW introduced Active Mitigation, I had high hopes of more mechanics like Sha of Fear or Ra-Den, where you had to time your AM and manage your AM resources around those abilities. Unfortunately, those ended up being mostly occasional novelties rather than a consistent design
and AM uptimes got out of control (very strong haste scaling as well as inequities in class design both share blame for this) and instead what happened is that white swing damage got out of control to compensate. While I love AM conceptually, this directly led to me starting to
hate tanking on Prot Paladin despite loving the class design. Because other tanks had full AM coverage, gaps became really dangerous. It was fun to push yourself and keep up full mitigation coverage (see Durumu solo tanking or Blackhand) but as it became more and more the norm,
it rapidly became less fun for me. The breaking point was Mythic Helya, where two unmitigated swings were a near guaranteed death. Combine that with my frustration with the systems design at the time and it absolutely destroyed my love of the game.
Basically, my design philosophy for AM is stronger but less frequent, and white swings should be a drain on resources and attention rather than individually dangerous. I’m sure some disagree with me, but the direction of AM and encounter design was a major problem for tanking.
Perhaps things have gotten better since I quit, but it didn’t seem like it when I was playing at the start of BfA (grantee I was not tanking then, so limited personal experience). Hopefully I can like it again one day.
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