I thought i would tell you some of my life story on here. I was born in Milton Keynes and lived there until I was about 5 years old. I was the youngest of 2 children, I have an older sister @SallyGodber. We lived in a bit of hippyish housing estate, we moved to Horsley #Jefflife
My parents were very supportive of me in my early life, they would sometimes run enlightenment intensive, very hippy sort of things, sometimes we would spend time in a place called Sunnyside which was a big communal house near Oxford I believe though I might be wrong. #JeffLife
We attended the local village primary school, which was a pretty bonkers place, I think there was only about 48 people in the entire school. we used to have some very strange traditions birthday celebrations that Ofsted would have had a field day with. #JeffLife
when we first moved to Horsley, me and my sister had to share a bedroom because the cottage we had moved into was tiny. Our parents managed to get an application to build an extension to turn the cottage into a minimansion. cue us spending a few years house sitting #JeffLife
My parents knew from an early age that I was, different from other children, in that I didn't quite develop in the same way that other kids. Lots of trips to the Drs, children psychologists. but my parents refused to have me diagnosed with being on the autistic spectrum.
This was because they believed that this would hold me back because attitudes towards disability and mental health were very different. also that my mum had some very traumatic experiences with my uncle Andrew who was institutionalized from an early age. so that is understandable
I had a lot of specialist help in my school years, as I was struggling to develop, so every Wednesday after primary School I would go over to see a woman called Caroline. I decided that I needed to challenge myself, so decided that I was going to write my own plagiarized play.
I was a huge fan of Maid Marion and Her Merry Men, cue me doing a heavily plagiarized version with new characters, of course, I had to be one of the main characters I mean every ego likes to see their name in lights. I also did a plagiarized version of Animals of Farthing Wood.
I've had a whole series of obsessions throughout my life, firstly trains, Dead things, Fossils, comedy and obviously music, my relationship with music really early revolved around car journeys and the car stereo. i particularly grew fond of a cassette of 70s and 80s hip hop.
My parents did expose me to a lot of different types of music on car journeys, from Eurythmics, ZZ Top, Soul, Blues Brothers Soundtrack, Sweet Honey on the Rock,
a few African compilations. Nearly all my present whish lists were albums, I would have control over the stereo.
I have always found too much-unstructured noise anxiety-provoking, so parties were pretty much a no go throughout most of my life. I used to struggle with the overstimulation from fireworks, thunderstorms, pubs, overly crowded spaces. I like to have control over my environment
I became obsessed with the drums, from quite a young age I knew I wasn't going to go down the usual get a college and job root of life. Learning how to play the drums really helped me deal with some of my anxieties from being bullied at school. I'm a very emotionally sensitive.
I was picked on a lot at school and it caused me to skip school for about 3 weeks, because the anxiety was too much. Drumming was like an anger therapy for me with rhythm. withy my difficulties I also had communication barriers. I didn't always understand everyone's emotions.
I went on study drums at The ACM in Guildford, which where I first met @idlesband manager because we were in the same lessons. I had a great time there, especially loved the Live performance Workshop sessions because I would try and upstage everyone. particularly remember RATM .
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