Keeping this as my pinned tweet through November. If/when Biden loses, blame these types of people.

What a bunch of assholes.
Adding the dyslexia comment from Karen cause fuck her so fucking much for that. My son has dyslexia. He is not stupid. Implying it is a reason not to elect someone to office is pure elitist and evil.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, Karen!
Extra tweets for context.
Some good old fashioned Brie bashing.
And some more.
A response to this thread that calls out toxic behavior.

"But Bernie's people! Stop or you get Trump!"

How about telling your asshole compatriots to quit being elitist assholes for three seconds?
Adding this one. The amount of people claiming they're anti-Trump mocking a CHILD is disgusting. He is a CHILD who has no say in how he looks, or this video being out there for you to mock. If you are mocking this CHILD you do not get to complain about Trump mocking people,
or calls for decency or civility. There is nothing decent about bullying a CHILD. If you are part of the pile-on of a CHILD, you are not an ally of mine. Link to a search result because my god. I can't. You bunch of bullying bastards.
Copy this, delete the space, weep at the hypocrisy. 

search?q=%40DuckAlertsNOW trump&src=typed_query
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