Dunno if it was week 3 or Easter or what but I’ve been out walking/running every day of this lockdown and today yielded the most frankly ridiculous number of people who absolutely just. did. not. give. a. shit.
Multiple sets of people standing talking in the middle of paths so people had to squeeze around them — you could tell they’d run into each other and weren’t from the same bubble bc they were leaving that crappy few feet between them that people think is 2 metres
I politely said to one chatting pair creating a bottleneck of foot traffic behind them that this wasn’t quite the idea and the woman yelled at me not to be so bloody pathetic (turns out I need to do some research, covid19 is a hoax, vaccines are bad, I’ve been wrong about a lot)
Anyway, not to mention the usual swags of people hanging out and picnicking in the green belt — more this month than any time in the 10 years I’ve been running through there — people who still walk three abreast with no indication they know anything unusual is going on etc etc
anywhooo despite my job and like you know, life, I am an optimist and generally believe that most people want to do the right thing most of the time but today was the first time in this lockdown that I actually despaired for this country /rant
Haha since this tweet I’ve thought of like 3 more times I despaired for this country in the past 3 weeks never mind doesn’t negate my point
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