TL;DR : Let's appreciate our loved ones and tell them we are grateful.
Recently, in an online meeting with many work friends, a surprise was planned for everyone who joined the meet. Without our knowledge, our loved ones were asked to record a small video saying a few words about us, to be shown in the meet to everyone. (2/9)
I had to do the same for a good friend of mine. It had to be a 2 min video. This friend of mine is a really amazing person and I had all good memories of us flashing in my mind. But somehow it took me an hour. (3/9)
For appreciating someone who is so close to me, telling them how much gratitude I felt for everything they had done and just thanking them for it just for a few minutes...taking an hour long time didn't seem justified to me. (4/9)
I remembered everything and was also humbled by it. But somehow wasn't able to articulate it in words that seemed appropriate and appreciative enough from my side. (5/9)
A few friends had also sent something for me, which I know I will cherish for the rest of my life.
It's because you remember everything good that has happened to you, everyone who made you feel it's goodness and everyone who has appreciated and helped you in your life. (6/9)
So, it's a humble request to everyone who reads this thread,
"Let's be kind and appreciate the people around us. Let's make their day and give them some memories they preserve in this small life." (7/9)
And let's not stop ourselves at just two good words. I mean, why should we? When there is so much to be grateful about, so much to appreciate and so much to share, let's put more thoughts and more words into this. (8/9)
Because it's just a little humility and gratitude that we all need in these difficult times. (9/9)
Thank you for reading. It means alot.☺️
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