I'm not selling you a lifestyle. There was a time i truly considered social suicide because this app became too toxic for my liking. It was like we were always speaking but never saying anything. We were always arguing but not learning shit. If it isn't trivial, we don't care.
I didn't want to exist in such space and in a way I don't. I had to make a conscious effort to clean up my TL. I unfollowed and muted a lot of "popular" handles who can't see past their own noses and do not know that what they are doing is dangerous longterm.
Almost every popular handle I can think of is muted. You know those "do it for the engagement handles" will do absolutely anything for RTs even made up twitter fights. I didn't have a semblance of sanity on my TL until i muted and unfollowed most of them. Now I don't feel
suicidal anymore. Social suicide that is. It is okay to engage in triviality once in a while. It's part of the full spectrum of existence, but it shouldn't be what we are about. That shouldn't be how we are raising ourselves. To be trivial people. To only hold casual opinions.
One effect of that is that we do not have enough energy and attention left for the important things which effect our lives greatly. We have expended all our energy in the temporary highs of gists and gossips. We talk about other people to forget our own problems that don't go
away simply by forgetting about them.

I'm not selling you a lifestyle which is why I have kept this handle anonymous to an extent. I do not want it to be about what I look like or what I dress like or which kind of places I hang at. Those things can be inspiring, but I feel
like they are more distractions than they are helpful.

I have trivial opinions too and infact i engage in a lot of useless bants when they are fun. I do it with my boys away from here. I have placed a responsibility upon myself to be the balance that this space needs.
When you see this handle, I want to discuss the things that should matter to us most, I want to argue, I want to fight about those things that actually carry weight in the grand scheme of things. Treating ourselves (personally) as trivial/casual people means we'll treat others
that way. If that's what you want to be, fine. But I don't think it is the most honourable way to live.

There has to be a balance between that side of you and this side of you. That's the full human experience. Of course you can't be serious all the time either.
In essence, I hope we start to expend more of our energy on dialogue about those things that matter. Because dialogue brings solutions, solutions to our societal vices. Things we cannot wish away.

People who have met me know I'm not the ever serious person.
But I feel like here, where our opinions can reach a far audience (14million for me in last 28 days). We should see it as an opportunity project the kind of thoughts we want to see more of in our community and raise ourselves as non-trivial, non-casual people.
Sanity is a shared community trait and so is insanity. Which means we rub off of eachother. We should take that chance to talk about and project the kind of society we want to live in and put more energy into those topics that can help us actualise our dreams of a better country.
We all want that.

Let iron sharpen iron. Let us stop being wood people or at least be axes. Wood and iron but strong enough to cut through the bad stiff to get the goods.

Anyway, enjoy you day.
You can follow @OluniyiGates.
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