I keep saying a problem with the left is tolerating this kind of nonsense. This guy feels comfortable describing himself as a lefty and not an MRA, but then goes straight MRA to attack Mona Eltahawy, who has done far more than he ever will. https://twitter.com/shahjoffe/status/1249620631727026177
Obviously there is no singular leftist movement, but the people who insist upon class reductionism and trash talk "identity politics" often practice precisely this kind of identity politics - whether defending misogyny, transphobia, racism, ableism, fatphobia, or anything else.
Somehow the real problem tearing apart the left isn't the people who treat others as less deserving of dignity and respect, but the people who insist upon that dignity and respect. As far as they're concerned, it's just not right that privilege isn't privileged.
Wild that a self-proclaimed lefty thinks that attacking a woman of color as being "too angry" and man-hating is both reasonable and a leftist approach. Dude sounds exactly like Rush Limbaugh screeching about "feminazis."
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