"We followed the science" is bollocks.

1. There is no single right "science" to follow.
2. Robust data on Covid-19's behaviour is still being assembled and studied.
3. Working assumptions that it would play out pretty similarly to flu were untested and recklessly wrong.
4. "We followed the science" is an attempt to claim "it wasn't our fault", but
5. Every country had the same data and access to emerging experience/conclusions/advice
6. On the basis of which, the formulation of every national response was A DELIBERATE CHOICE.
7. The UK's choice was dictated by political expediency:
8. An NHS totally unable to cope thanks to a decade of Tory cuts and Brexit;
9. The lessons of the pandemic contingency planning exercise of 2016 not implemented at all;
10. Brexit having already squandered ÂŁbillions.
11. So it's not "we followed the science".

12. It is "we made a ruthless and uncaring political choice and found some scientific thinking which *appeared to* support it".

13. What is happening now is not because of "the science".

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