I wanna go on the record of saying this publicly, just so I know I said it & can link this thread to whoever decides to wrongfully call me a bigot for being a Christian.

Not all christians are the same. I am nothing like the stereotypical elderly, southern, bible-thumping bigot.
I don’t believe being gay or trans is a sin, nor do I think suicide sends you to hell. Tattoos aren’t inherently sinful either. Neither are piercings. Neither is drinking (though substance abuse is, moderation is key).
My views aren’t up for debate. If they change they will change due to lessons learned from my life. Those are my boundaries.

I’m not a terrible boogeyman because I believe in God. I’m just a human being with my own thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes.
Yeah, the way I believe is relatively different from most Christians. Hell, I don’t even think most Christians are bad people, many of them just think they’re doing the right thing when they’re unknowingly being hurtful (“love the sinner, hate the sin” 🤢).
Instead of screeching at them to fuck off, try to have a discussion. No one changed anyone’s mind by excluding/mistreating them. If anything, by isolating them, you’re showing them why they shouldn’t like people like you and encouraging them to get even worse.
I’m not saying don’t have boundaries with people who make you uncomfortable. Most certainly do what you can to protect your mental health. But don’t mistreat others and make them feel like there’s something inherently wrong with them that can never change.
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