Interesting to read the comments and opinions that people have posted about the US collegiate route vs the UK University route.

Admittedly, this is an underdeveloped area in terms of Basketball England guidance, as part of our new ‘Duty of Care Charter’ it’s being addressed.
From a players perspective, I strongly believe there are 3 key considerations:

1) Value your Education - Being ‘Dual Career’ focused is a MUST. Don’t compromise on academic achievement in the pursuit of basketball ambitions.

Both are important and both can be followed.
2) Explore your options - Never have players had so many opportunities. This is a great thing!

We also have lots of information at our fingertips and the opportunity to engage and communicate like never before. This allows players/parents to make fully ‘Informed choices’.
3) Support - Lots of people can help, including club/academy coaches or senior players who have followed a similar path.

If help comes at a cost, be careful. Do your homework on the individual/company, speak to previous players that used their service before parting with money.
This thread is not to encourage or discourage a particular route for our players but to ensure that the right ‘Informed’ decisions are being made which hopefully will ensure players benefit from a positive experience on their life journey.
You can follow @Coach_Ford82.
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