A few thoughts on the daily press briefings...

- Overall, they're important
- Individually, they're a waste of time

Why? Because we get lots of waffle and very few answers.

- Politicians dodge
- Journalists showboat
- Everyone knows they're going to do it again tomorrow 1/8
If every journalist were willing to gang up in advance, they could collectively be much more informed.

Fix 3-4 key questions that should be answered that day, and *every single journalist* repeats those same questions until they get real answers rather than deflections. 2/8
Once 3, 4, 5 journalists in a row say "You haven't answered the question, because___ (short reason)" and then repeat the exact same brief factual question as their colleagues before them, ministers will find themselves with their backs to the wall and nowhere to go. 3/8
It is also vital not to give ministers the chance to give their *opinion*, because they'll grab it with both hands.

So don't ask "why do you think?" type questions because that's get-out-of-jail-free heaven.

Stick to questions of fact that demand factual answers. 4/8
Finally, master your brief.

It's an evolving situation, but you can still be ready with facts and data. Especially if you're pooling resources with colleagues.

So when a minister says "We've delivered 127 million items of PPE" break down exactly why that's a minute number. 5/8
Something like this (fictional example)
"The average doctor wears 7 items of PPE. They change their entire PPE 15 times per day. So 105 items of PPE are needed per doctor per day.

100,000 doctors work in hospitals. So together they will use 10,500,000 items of PPE per day." 6/8
Then do the same for nurses, midwives, carers & other key workers.

Spell it all out. Show that "127 million items of PPE" will last until teatime on Thursday.

Because to a distracted audience at home, "127 million" is reassuringly large. In reality, it's wholly inadequate. 7/8
Lockdown isn't going away any time soon, and the crisis will be with us even longer. So it's not too late to fix the useless daily briefings and turn them into a forensic interrogation of the current situation and the government's approach. But only if journalists work at it. 8/8
Added: journos have an exclusive opportunity because of lockdown: they can introduce their own slides!

E.g. combine forces to make a simple slide showing the amount of PPE used across the NHS in one day, then each journo in turn superimposes it on their video conference stream.
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