A major reason I emphasize the pacifist part of my anarchism (instead of the markets or individualist parts) is that, despite often being seen (by both proponents & opponents) as an ideology of violence, I see anarchism, in large part, as the project of doing away with violence.
I do think anarchism encompasses more than just pacifism though. Besides the obvious opposition to statism, anarchism is also the project of expanding autonomy and destroying hierarchies.
Nevertheless, one particularly egregious, harmful, and pervasive type of autonomy-violations is direct, physical violence against another person.
And the primary institutions of ongoing, systematic violence (militaries, prisons, borders, police) are essential features of states, even "minarchist" ones.
Another reason I only emphasize the markets/individualist parts of my anarchism in nuance-permitting discussions is because markets are often conflated (by proponents & opponents) with capitalism, while individualism is often conflated (by proponents & opponents) with atomism.
The individualist anarchists were really lost to time and contemporary political discourse doesn't really permit talking about their ideas. Cold War era alliances irrevocably paired markets with capitalism and individualism with atomism.
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