I can't watch Johnson's speech. I just can't. Stirring & sincere it may be, but there is sth so craven about embracing a sentimental attachment to the NHS & its staff having laughed & cheered when nurses were denied a raise & working to rid the NHS of immigrant workers
I suppose a grim, terse 'thanks' and back to the usual Tory business would seem worse, but somehow it wouldn't be; because it would mean their anti-NHS policies were implemented as a matter of thoughtful principle for its/the public good, & not bc they're nakedly driven by >
...I dunno - greed; & power at any cost.

It all disgusts me in a fashion I can hardly articulate and I'm so angry and I'm so sad
Imagine being so empty of principle, empathy & imagination you can treat nurses & immigrants with contempt UNLESS AND UNTIL they hold vigil by your bedside

And perfectly intelligent people sharing the video: and saying - fair fucks, gotta hand it to the lad, he means it, that was nice, quite moving in it's way

I'm telling you now: nothing - NOTHING- has ever more nakedly exposed the rot at the core.
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