The richest man to have EVER lived, Mansa Musa of Mali. Google it. A BLACK, MUSLIM ruler. Yet you expect me to believe and accept the imperialistic and colonial ideologies of the white man and the war waged against Islam today? No sir.
Everything we are conditioned to believe is a result of the post colonial rhetoric imposed by the west that conditions us to forget our prosperous roots and identity of our forefathers.
Our forefathers dared to ask why. And when they realized the didn’t agree with the western narrative they said no
- Mohammad Hijab
This colonial reality is far from over today. The only difference is that back then, we were forced to conform by men on the ground. Today, we are forced to conform to ideologies.
You will find that the war being waged against Islam today, is a result of the best interest of the west to further destabilize countries that are “backward” and need “civilized” intervention.
We must stand against this modern, ideological slave master that denies us our rational faculty and natural inclination to question and logically free ourselves from hate.
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