is it weird to call jae eaj?? do I say I like jae's music or do I say I like eaj?? I don't know how anything works, it feels so different from day6. plus I've been to disconnected from the group's I stan lately idek if I can say I stan them anymore idk how anything works help
idk what this tweet turned into I just feel bad because I feel like I used to Stan so many groups and then I just lost touch with all of it, honestly including bts except they're different cuz they're my ult, but I have just missed so much that I'm stressed about trying to learn+
everything again and I'm scared to like join those fandoms on twitter because I feel like I'll be stupid for not knowing anything, twitter scares me :(
also it's the same for bts, obviously I keep up more with them because I have a bts stan account, that's what I see on my to but I always feel so lost cuz I've never watched any run episodes or anything and I barely go on twitter anymore so I just feel so out of the loop+
obviously I love bts, I listen to their music constantly, I follow what they do the best I can but I've never been good at stuff like this and because I'm always so behind I never tweet about bts besides the basic like "I love this about bts" tweet because I'm scared I'll say+
something that is too old or not correct and someone will call me out for it and make me feel stupid or something. I feel like I'm just not cut out for stanning groups lol
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