The Nigerian army's battle plan has always centred around heavy artillery and mechanized Brigades. This entails bombardment by large numbers of cannon and rocket artillery.
(2) the Nigerian army favours cannon artillery for its relative accuracy and ammunition conservation compared to expensive 122mm rockets.
The harder hitting Palmaria 155 self-propelled howitzera are deployed in composite battalion consisting of two batteries of traditional artillery and One battery of the self-propelled guns
Rocket artillery has been used in numerals engagement in the North East, but the army has traditionally relied on rocket artillery to engage enemy air defences and for counter battery fire, freeing cannon units to provide close support for ground troops.
The Nigerian army's does not field precision guided munitions so it relies heavily on rocket artillery to engage enemy air defences. These rockets will saturate a target area with hundreds of rockets, ensuring some of its specific targets while delivering a psychological impact
One MLRS system can saturate an area the size of two football fields with 122 mm rockets. The scene of a rocket artillery barrage always look like this.
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