Ask me why bronx is my fave and here’s a reason. She doesnt just read you your future or predict and tell you what you wish to hear. I always wait on how she brings up past, present and future until the end where she ADVICES me to do something or not do something. @TarotByBronx
She encourages you in a way your inner child needs it. She talks to you, she doesnt boss you or force you to buy into her point of view. I never had to even once search my brain and be irrelevant regarding what shes talking about by relating it to things THAT DONT MATTER.
She’s always on point and I’m like, “thank you for seeing me.” “Thank you for attending to me my wounds.”, sometimes I dont even know or notice I have all these unhealed wounds I need to attend to with care and this piece right here, her advice? Is peak. Its peak of believe I
have in her, for her. I took her advice back in August and in 22 years of life, for the first time I took my first leap of faith and I’ve been living the future I’ve always dreamed of having since I was 16. For a couple of months, February and March, I went against her advice
and I wouldnt lie, I’ve hit rock bottom and when I hit hard, she was the first one to come into my mind. I sighed and thought to myself “I should have listened to bronx.” I dont quite know why I wrote this thread but bronx, you and I both share the same few placements,
and I’ve personally spoke to you once or twice because I know we’re always in similar situations when it comes to love life. I just want you to know, you deserve the love you want and have always dreamed of as well. Dont run away, dont be scared. Love never hurts,
expectations do. You deserve to be loved and in love. It can be too much for us but no matter who we love or how we’re loved, ALWAYS SURRENDER CODEPENDENCY with the affirmation that “at the end of the day, nobody got me like I do” you will be okay, I’ll be okay.
I love you! Cheers to us finding the one someday sooner or later. Thank you for your time, your energy and hardwork 🥺❤️✨🧿
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