Joonie rlly is the cutest huh... he goes to art galleries in his free time, he has a premium membership at the bike rental shop bc he loves riding bicycles!! he loves little things, especially little creatures like tiny crabs and frogs!!
he bought baby shoes just bc he thought they were cute and tiny. He wants to be a dad someday. He wakes up early just to water his bonsai plants and took a special class so learn how to take care of them. He has so many plushies and figurines bc he likes to collect them
he loves reading books. he doesn’t wear cologne, only Chanel no. 5 lotion, and he says he likes the smell of lotion and fabric softener together. He likes to go out and enjoy nature...He’s very patient and understanding and just so genuine and kind and humble ;-;
Even though Joonie and the members are also going through a hard time, he’s still trying to comfort ARMY through his little messages and his cute little plants. He is still trying to comfort us throughout all of this. god I love him so much
it’s joonie loving hours (even though I should definitely be asleep rn)
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