Here's a demonstration that Shakespeare knew a thing or two.
"Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour on the stage, and is heard no more. It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
First, we see Gareth Morgan demanding action of the NZ Government. He demands more testing, that the borders and schools be shut, and all but essential workers sent home. He goes on to express the belief that lack of action will lift the death toll and crush the economy.
Here, Morgan reiterates the point that the virus needs to be eradicated. Both here and Tweet 4 of his mini-thread (see above) emphatically state that action is needed to save lives. This point is important to remember.
Here, Morgan makes the point that if supply chain constraints limit the ability to test for Covid-19, then a universal lockdown is required.
He acknowledges there was no alternative, and notes the existence of criterion that, if not met, mean we can't exit lockdown.
Here, Morgan seems to be encouraging the Government to stick with the course of action as it then was on 04/04 (last sentence of the tweet).
But suddenly, Morgan flips his lid.
Apparently the actions that earlier he believed necessary to save lives (tweets 2 and 3 of this thread) are now secondary to the survival of the economy.
Did he make the mistake of looking at the value of his investments?
To be blunt, Morgan's flip-flop on this subject is foul. To place the economy ahead of the lives of vulnerable people is a vile attitude to have, as it smacks of a belief that some people are less worthy of life than others.
Should seniors throw eggs at him in public now?
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