Now that I think about it onlyfans is the perfect escape if you’re an incel, I don’t think the average guy that subscribes is someone who’s out there &is able to get into relationships with real women; they’re the lonely & socially awkward men who can’t get women no matter what.
I used to really hate the idea of them doing that, being “simps” &whatnot; now I just think they seriously need help. I’ve been talking about the gap in the dating world for a while on my account &people have no idea how bad it’s getting.
On the surface it looks like a perfectly reasonable transaction. Man pays woman, they’re both happy; except are they? Women have to deal with a ton of social pressure while the man’s growth is stunted because he basically has no incentive to work on himself to actually get women.
Men are getting less and less affection and attention by the day while armies of men get together to admire just one woman. Things like onlyfans, tinder and even Instagram are causing severe inequalities; the message is clear, you seriously need to work on yourself as a man.
Onlyfans starts to make sense when you realise these girls are actually talking to those men, sometimes even pretending to be their girlfriends. This is why they’re subscribing when porn is so widely available online; it’s not the appeal of those women.
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