@JackPosobiec let's remind everyone that since 2001 it has been known that Al Qaeda wanted to conduct a biological/chemical attack on US soil. Congress created DHS and ODNI. The FBI, CIA, DIA, DHS, and other agencies did countless intelligence products on this topic.
Table top exercises were conducted with state and local officials. Then around the same time Amerithrax occured. Additonal intel products were conducted. Additonal USG responses to such an attack or outbreak were tweeked.
Yet, years later, after millions of dollars being spent to create new agencies, draft intel products, conduct countless hours of training, what happened? Shouldn't the USG response with state and local officials been seemless? It wasn't. Why....
Because the USG under Bush and Obama were checking boxes and in reality, asleep at the switch.
So after all this training and research we got this guy
This is what President Trump has to fix, while fighting for his own survival.
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