Something just dawned on me. The Democrats aren't trying to win over the Trump supporters, they're struggling to keep the remaining slaves they have on the Democrat side. They're living in fear daily that their base may walk away. /1
What do slave owners do if they think their slaves may revolt? They become angry, insecure, vicious with punishment, paranoid and desperate. The China virus was turned into a whipping post by the Dems. It has been used by them to weaken Americans, cause panic among their /2
slaves, and to stop the flow of federal funds to families and businesses. Why? To remind their slaves of the power they possess. At the same time they're punishing those who revolt against their power, greed and elite lifestyle that we work to pay for. /3
To be honest, the Dems are strongly delusional. They're chasing a nightmare, not a dream. They believe their own lies and scheme without facts. That's where the MSM comes in. The MSM manufactures the lies and Dems run with them as facts. If we choose to be critical /4
thinkers, we catch on and it pushes us even further into the Trump and conservative camp. The fetters of facts loosen around the ankles, so that Americans can freely move more toward freedom from gov't enslavement. That's what the Dems do not want. But they're bringing it /5
on themselves. Americans have been free for too long. We will only bend so far. At some point we eventually say we've had enough, back off or there's going to be some do-do hitting the fans that are aimed at the those trying to own us. The Dems know their base is thinning /6
out, that people are waking up, that their power is dwindling and now they're struggling. Thus they've turned to ugliness, cheating, deception and political bondage.
Change that by voting for Trump and all conservative leaders in November 2020! /End
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