tipsy #InsecureHBO after show thoughts: almost forgot the ep started in present day before pre-block party flashback. given that, i'm hoping this season is about Issa & Molly's friend break up. 1. molly is a shit friend & 2. bc friend breakups deserve to be talked about
romantic breakups suck, but friend breakups?? a whole different animal. whew. the worst part is sometimes there isn’t a defining moment or blowout that ends the friendship, it just dissipates bc of time, distance, life etc. it can be really heartbreaking
someone recently told me relationships are either “a season, a reason or a lifetime” & it couldn’t be more true. it’s ok for relationships to end. good movies have to end. good songs come to an end. conclusions are a natural part of life. everything isn’t meant to last forever.
i say this as someone who needs the reminder that end ≠ failure. like. it ended. ok. but now where do i put the good memories? it’s hard to not let the present color them but they can’t be erased a la “eternal sunshine.” & of course they never fail to pop up at the worst times
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